Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Time flies

The last 3 days passed in a blur, it was a constant rush to different places, to say hi, wishing people Merry Christmas while keeping my dates with family for lunches and Dinners. When it was all over, I realised that in the mess of it all, I didn't get to spend quality time Kim, and now it is back to work while hoping for a better weekend during the New Year Weekend. That's one thing to keep in mind and something that I've learnt through shooting so many weddings, if you pack too many things into the wedding day, you'll hardly have anytime to enjoy it. It will be just a blur of fulfilling the "have-todo" list.

We just checked out Oosh at Dempsey Road, it is really nice, open air, outdoor dining/lounging concept. If only Singapore is further away from the equator... Anyway with Shangrila breathing down our necks we'll probably sign with them, the pavilion it is then.

One more wedding assignment, one more wedding dinner to attend and that's it for me for this year.

God's many blessings upon you all. Remember God's faithfullness and his love for us.

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