Kim and me seems to be in a season of blunders, collectively we lost money, handphone, she ended up being blamed for matters not of her fault and I ended up buying a new apple 23inch cinema display..... errr, by mistake. Here was how it happened. I was working happily one friday afternoon and I decided to shift my powermac and imac one table to the right. Everything went fine until I tried to switch on my powermac, nothing came on, not even the familier blue screen with the apple logo, no chime, NO NOTHING !!! I must have rebooted at least 1/2 a dozen times. After swapping monitors we realised that the monitor was dead, it won't work even on Sam's computer. Now I'm in a fix, what can I do ? wait a few days and get it repaired, wait a few days to get a 2nd hand monitor online, or get a new one within the next 30 mins. I opted for the later. 30 mins later and $1600 poorer I was back with my new spanking 23inch Apple LCD.

Now... at that moment, just for fun we plugged in the old monitor.
CHING !!!!!
It just came back to life, it just did, maybe it was the wiggle of the wire or the knocking around when carrying it to SimLim for diagnosis, whatever it was, it just came back to life.
Now I'm with 2x23inch apple display. :| The most impressive setup I've personally seen I must say. :)
Anyway, the old 23inch has to go, $800 and it is yours.
And here's the first work done on the new monitor, here's my next AD for the magazine.
Cheers and have a good night.

1 comment:
lol. don't u just hate apple. i bet its a conspiracy, the monitor was set to "im not turning on till u buy new monitor" mode.
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